Private Sector Advisory Council

Recent World Bank Group research shows that the private sector provides 9 out of 10 jobs in developing countries. In recognition of the private sector’s pivotal role in global youth employment, S4YE has identified private sector engagement as a cross-cutting theme for all its activities.

To further advance the understanding and effectiveness of private sector engagement, S4YE has established a Private Sector Advisory Council (PSAC) that consists of senior-level representatives from a select group of companies to facilitate deeper engagement and partnership between private sector and S4YE/World Bank operations, knowledge products and advocacy on youth employment. Some of the objectives of S4YE’s Private Sector Advisory Council are to:

  • Advise S4YE’s SC on its program, policies, and projects,

  • Promote peer-to-peer learning between private sector groups on tackling youth employment,

  • Help crowd in and scale innovative and transformational approaches on youth employment, with a focus on Future of Work, 21st-century skill and job creation for youth, and

  • Contribute to flagship S4YE or World Bank initiatives, e.g., the World Development Report, Human Capital Project.

Over 40 companies are part of the PSAC. If you'd like to learn more, please contact S4YE at

private sector webinar series

S4YE – Insights from the Private Sector’ Webinar series

This is an ongoing web-series that facilitates dialogue between youth employment practitioners and private sector companies around the world. The webinar series especially highlights lessons from youth-focused initiatives that are being led by the private sector.  This is an opportunity for the community to connect, learn from each other, and share experiences.