
The indicator is part of the Circular Economy indicator set. It is used to monitor progress towards a circular economy on the thematic area of 'competitiveness and innovation'. Innovation and investments (on eco-design, on secondary raw materials, on recycling processes and on industrial symbiosis) are a key element of the transition to a circular economy. The circular economy can make a significant contribution to the creation of jobs and economic growth. Looking at jobs and growth of relevant sectors indicates whether the transition to a circular economy is delivering the expected results. Sectors that are closely related to the circular economy such as recycling, repair and reuse, are particularly job intensive, and contribute to local employment. 


Knowledge Brief

This is a report about the Nestlé Needs YOUth Initiative. It discusses the initiative's goals and achievements over ten years. The initiative was launched to improve young people's employment prospects. It has since expanded to include entrepreneurship and agripreneurship programs. Nestlé Needs YOUth has provided thousands of work opportunities and training sessions. The program emphasizes mentorship and aims to empower young people.

World Bank Group

This paper assesses the reliability and validity of cognitive and socioemotional skills measures and investigates the correlation between schooling, skills acquisition, and labor earnings. The primary data from Pakistan incorporates two innovations related to measurement and sampling. On measurement, the paper develops and implements a battery of instruments intended to capture cognitive and socioemotional skills among young adults. On sampling, the paper uses a panel that follows respondents from their original rural locations in 2003 to their residences in 2018, a period over which 38 percent of the respondents left their native villages. In terms of their validity and reliability, our skills measures compare favorably to previous measurement attempts in low- and middle-income countries. The following are documented in the data: (a) more years of schooling are correlated with higher cognitive and socioemotional skills; (b) labor earnings are correlated with cognitive and socioemotional skills as well as years of schooling; and (c) the earnings-skills correlations depend on respondents’ migration status. The magnitudes of the correlations between schooling and skills on the one hand and earnings and skills on the other are consistent with a widespread concern that such skills are underproduced in the schooling system.

South Asia

This Note highlights the challenges of providing financial services to underserved gig workers through online platforms. While these platforms offer a potential channel, innovators recognize that digital skills alone might not be enough. Building trust and understanding requires a balanced approach, combining technology with a human touch. The Note showcases four successful examples from industry leaders who have carefully designed, developed, and piloted solutions to deliver financial services to platform workers.

Knowledge Brief
World Bank Group

Jobs entry conditions are tough for disadvantaged youth in a tight labor market. South African employers prefer to hire employees who have at least completed a secondary school education and one year of work experience. Yet, over 47 percent of South Africa’s unemployed youth have education levels below secondary (termed “Matric” in South Africa) level education and most youth have not held a job. However, growing evidence globally and in South Africa demonstrates that 21st century skills – non-technical skills which include executive function skills and socioemotional skills – rival technical skills in their ability to positively impact employment and earnings, and may be the single most important predictor of a new employee’s success, providing a new entry point for disadvantaged youth.

Knowledge Brief
The World Bank

This report is a product of a two-year engagement between the World Bank team and Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB). It aims to overview the Ejo Heza scheme, a local term that translates to ‘a better future,’ not only holds the promise of income security at older ages but can also be a much-needed source for domestic resource mobilization in the country. The report highlight its key strengths, and provide recommendations to improve coverage, adequacy, operational efficiency, and long-run viability. 

Knowledge Brief
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation

This report talks about the impact of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. It discusses the award’s non-formal education and learning framework which operates in more than 130 countries and territories. It aims to challenge young people to discover their potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world. This publication sets out the Award’s global impact in 2020.

Eionet Portal

At the request of The European Commission EEA has produced EU country profiles that offer an updated view of circular economy policies being implemented at a national level with a particular focus on elements that go beyond EU mandatory elements, and best practice with a focus on policy innovation. While implementing the EU Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP 2020), Member States are encouraged to advance circularity at a national level by adopting policies and initiatives that go beyond EU regulations, while preserving the Single Market. These circular economy country profiles are based on information reported by the Eionet network and, in particular, the Eionet Group on Circular Economy and Resource Use in the second quarter of 2022. The information was reviewed and edited by the European Topic Centre on Circular economy and resource use (ETC CE). 

Europe and Central Asia
Knowledge Brief

This technical note provides support for applying a human rights-based approach (HRBA). The note begins with a short introduction to the HRBA and Sida’s PLANET tool. It then explains how human rights norms and standards underpin the thematic area. The note demonstrates how PLANET can guide staff in planning, assessing and monitoring a contribution through a series of guiding questions and examples. Finally, it provides a simple empowerment and capacity development analysis model and a list of additional resources to explore.

Knowledge Brief

It is widely accepted that schools and other settings catering to youth can play an essential role in offering education in life skills and character. However, there exists a broad array of potential targets for such programs, suggesting the need for guidance on which targets are most likely to result in demonstrable and valuable results. This report attempts to integrate a broad literature addressing the universe of targets for skills development programs for youth. After identifying a set of 30 candidate skills to investigate further, research literature was reviewed to evaluate each skill on three dimensions. Measurability had to do with the extent to which adequate measurement tools were available for evaluating skill level, with emphasis on those tools specifically used for younger populations and available in multiple languages, particularly in Spanish. Malleability had to do with the extent to which there is evidence that interventions have the potential to modify skill level, with emphasis on those that have been extensively evaluated through randomized controlled trials. Finally, meaningfulness had to do with the extent to which evidence exists demonstrating that the higher levels of skill can result in consequential outcomes. Based on these criteria, 10 skills were selected for further review as having the most compelling evidence to date that they are life skills that matter: Mindfulness, Empathy and compassion, Self-efficacy/ Self-determination, Problem solving, Critical thinking, Goal orientation and goal completion, Resilience/Stress resistance, Self-awareness, Purposefulness, and Self-regulation/Self-control/Emotion regulation. The evidence for each is summarized. We finish with a review of key issues to consider in the design, implementation, and evaluation of life skills that matter.

Latin America and Caribbean
Mercy Corps Ventures

The Mercy Corps Ventures pilot detailed in this report was completed over three months at the start of 2021 to test whether digital stablecoins and mobile wallets could ease frictions and reduce costs in cross-border payments for un/underemployed youth completing microwork in Kenya, and the results are very promising.

Good Practice/Case Study

This S4YE Knowledge Brief highlights different ways in which youth employment projects in S4YE’s community of practice, the Impact Portfolio, a network of 44 high-potential and innovative youth employment projects, are using digital tools for M&E strategies and data collection methods.

Knowledge Brief

This paper presents evidence on how social protection and especially non-contributory cash transfers impact on individuals and households in low- and middle-income countries. The paper provides guidance on what policies, programming and interventions have been considered effective for Sida’s objective of creating better living conditions for people living in poverty and oppression.

Inter-American Development Bank

This document presents the Retirement Savings Laboratorys (Laboratory) main findings, lessons, and challenges from several pilot interventions aimed at promoting voluntary pension savings among independent and low-income workers in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Latin America and Caribbean
Knowledge Brief

This research examines the European Union's (EU) push for a circular economy under the Juncker Commission. While the EU promotes a circular economy for environmental and economic benefits, the study finds a gap between its ambitious goals and actual policies. EU discourse emphasizes broad sustainability but policies focus on waste management, suggesting a need for a more comprehensive approach to achieve a truly circular future.

Europe and Central Asia
Good Practice/Case Study

This paper is the first sector-specific quantitative study on the employment effects of the EU transition on a global scale, including ethical dimensions of those effects, as far as we are aware. Overall, this paper contributes to the broader discussion of CE-induced social effects of sustainability transitions. Its results indicate that employment could significantly decrease in low- to upper-middle-income countries outside the EU, in particular in labour-intense apparel production. Employment could increase in less-labour intense downstream reuse and recycling activities in the EU and second-hand retail in- and outside the EU.

Good Practice/Case Study
The World Bank

This book talks about Africa's massive informal economy, the main source of jobs in the region, is expected to keep growing. Despite its established presence, challenges abound. Low productivity, limited resources, and vulnerability to shocks plague this sector. Informal workers, especially women, often lack access to social safety nets and financial tools. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed these vulnerabilities, prompting governments to utilize technology and innovation to deliver social protection programs and support economic recovery, particularly in urban areas. While these swift responses were successful, they were temporary measures. Long-term solutions are needed to address the inherent challenges of Africa's informal economy.

European Union

This note seeks to look back at the development and implementation process of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). It takes take stock of its main achievements and how they are taken forward in the 2020 Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience and paves the way for future EU initiatives.

Europe and Central Asia

This study examines applying the Circular Economy, focused on minimizing waste, to the complex coffee industry. A 7-month case study of a specialty coffee importer in Amsterdam revealed challenges like government policies and industry mindsets, but also highlighted the importance of shared vision, strong business models, and clear communication for success. The research suggests companies navigate identity concerns and misconceptions about CE through factual communication, emphasizing the interconnectedness of barriers and enablers for a strategic approach to a more sustainable coffee industry.

Europe and Central Asia
Good Practice/Case Study

This report seeks to answer the question of what works to improve productive employment opportunities and reduce poverty? This question is purposefully broad, as employment-targeted interventions often tackle a wide range of outcomes: the supply of labour that focuses on marketable skills and equal access to productive assets and the demand for labour that focus on promoting entrepreneurship, business development, and market access.
