GIZ & Goethe-Institut

This publication aims to inspire international development organisations, affected ministries such as ministries of economic affairs and ministries of culture, and the private sector to explore and implement initiatives that support the cultural and creative industries as an effective means of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 6 (Gender Equality). I extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this publication. Be inspired and enjoy the read!

Good Practice/Case Study
Youth Business International (YBI)

In this paper, Youth Business International (YBI) and Somo, YBI’s member organisation in Kenya, shine a light on the important role of informal businesses in sub-Saharan Africa and the barriers they face that prevent them from scaling up, with a particular focus on women-led informal businesses in Kenya. It includes recommendations for governments, financial institutions, and development agencies on ways to increase access to finance for informal businesses.

Knowledge Brief
Ellen MacArthur Foundation

The Jeans Redesign (2019-2023) aimed to revolutionize jeans production for a circular fashion economy. Partnering with industry experts, the project created guidelines for brands to design jeans that are durable, recyclable, and made with minimal environmental impact. Launched in 2021, these guidelines have been adopted by over 100 organizations, leading to the creation of more sustainable jeans and a significant step towards a more responsible fashion industry.


Engaging in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) as international development cooperation (DC) organisation involves navigating a dynamic and multifaceted landscape. This guide provides a comprehensive framework to assist organisations in understanding and analysing the CCI and in planning, implementing, and evaluating initiatives that contribute to the sustainable development of the CCI. It aims to assist international DC organisations to collaborate effectively with creative communities worldwide and implement projects successfully. This guide recognises the intrinsic value of culture and creativity in fostering economic growth, cultural expression, and social inclusion. Furthermore, it acknowledges these factors in the context of their contribution to the goals of many international DC organisations, such as: job and income generation, innovation promotion, climate change, gender equality, just transition, and disrupting postcolonial continuities. The guide has been formulated within the framework of the Global Project CCI, executed by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


The Global Green Skills Report 2023 identifies trends at the intersection of the workforce and sustainability based on the activity of more than 930 million LinkedIn users worldwide. This report includes critical questions that policymakers, business leaders, and others might explore as they seek to develop regulations, programs, and policies that foster the development of green skills and create pathways for workers to transition into jobs that help green the planet. This report delves into three sectors: Energy production, Transportation, and Finance.

World Economic Forum

Urgent investment in human capital is needed to create a fairer world> 1.1 billion jobs are liable to be radically transformed by technology in the next decade. The Reskilling Revolution will position education at the core of the economic recovery by updating teaching and education systems to effectively prepare today's students for tomorrow's economy and society. This work aims to benefit 150 million students and young learners by 2024.

Knowledge Brief

This book shows agribusinesses how to develop more sustainable, resilient, and productive supply chains and the substantial impact of doing so on development. The book compiles innovative solutions and cutting-edge ideas to meet the challenges facing smallholders around the world. Chapter 10, "Youth Participation," was led by S4YE.


This knowledge brief highlights the relevance and challenges of business incubation services for youth in rural areas. It showcases learnings from several projects implemented by the World Bank and GIZ and provides examples of design elements of business incubation services for youth in rural areas. These include 1) creating a network-based ecosystem for rural incubation, 2) promoting on-site incubation as opposed to co-working space, 3) guaranteeing access to markets by involving the private sector, 4) Screening entrepreneurs, 5) combining different types of financial sustainability models based on local conditions, and 6) promotion of pro-women incubation to address the "triple burden" faced by young women in rural areas.

Knowledge Brief

This report examines the growing potential of India’s AI-led software as a service (SaaS) start-ups and analyzes the role that the country, which is already a leader in the global software ecosystem, can play in an AI-led future.


To analyze SSCM in the fast fashion industry, this study compares the sustainability reports of H&M and Everlane, industry leaders with strong sustainability messaging. This comparison reveals that fast fashion has failed to sufficiently engage upstream and downstream stakeholders in their SSCM strategies. Moving forward, fast fashion companies should incentivize collaboration towards more comprehensive SSCM policies throughout the supply chain. 

Good Practice/Case Study

This brief takes a closer look at the relationship between trade, employment and poverty reduction. Rather than being comprehensive on all aspects, it aims to give an evidence-based overview of some circumstances under which trade can lead to employment generation and poverty reduction that is relevant to Sida and its partners.

Knowledge Brief

These guidelines provide information, guidance and tips on organizing and managing virtual internships. They focus on those aspects of an internship that are particularly important for internships conducted entirely virtually, and these where all activities and interactions are performed remotely.


Before the pandemic, the creative economy was growing rapidly and generating new jobs in every region of the world, predicted to account up to 10 per cent of global GDP by 2030. The crisis has brought this exceptional growth to a standstill, exposing the fragility of a sector dominated by micro-businesses, informal work practices and few tangible assets. Lockdowns have also highlighted the importance of cultural and creative activity in maintaining individual well-being and community resilience. Our contention is not that the creative economy needs public subsidies to resume its previous growth. It does however require governments and multilateral organisations to recognise and address constraints and regulatory structures that have failed to keep pace with the rapid evolution of the sector. Another priority is to rebalance the glaring asymmetry between the growing power of transnational digital platforms and those who have created much of the content on which their prosperity rests.


In partnership with IBM, the OECD recently conducted a social media poll, asking young people how well prepared they feel about joining the world of work, how confident they are about their future paths, and what concerns them about education and jobs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this episode, the OECD and IBM discuss insights from the poll and why career guidance and real-world work experiences are more important for young people than ever.

UK Government

This white paper sets out reforms to further education, recognising that the UK economy is changing rapidly. The pandemic, Brexit, climate change, the expected growth of jobs requiring STEM education or training had collectively snowballed into a skills shortage in recent years – young people did not have the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed in the current and future economy.

Europe and Central Asia

This study examines applying the Circular Economy, focused on minimizing waste, to the complex coffee industry. A 7-month case study of a specialty coffee importer in Amsterdam revealed challenges like government policies and industry mindsets, but also highlighted the importance of shared vision, strong business models, and clear communication for success. The research suggests companies navigate identity concerns and misconceptions about CE through factual communication, emphasizing the interconnectedness of barriers and enablers for a strategic approach to a more sustainable coffee industry.

Europe and Central Asia
Good Practice/Case Study
JA Africa

This study looks at markets across four key areas to provide a dual perspective from both youth and employers regarding sectoral opportunities and challenges, qualifying the skills gap, bridging the gap, and the impact of COVID-19 on the labor market.


This report outlines trends in the world trade of creative goods and, for the first time, services by country for the period 2005 to 2014, and provides an outlook on the global creative economy for the period 2002 to 2015.

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

This report takes stock of the market for impact investing and examines the conditions that would allow the market to grow and realize its potential. Although still small, the market is attracting considerable interest, and it has the potential to increase in scale, and thereby contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris climate goals.

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

This diagnostic identifies opportunities to stimulate sustainable economic growth and development by harnessing the power of the private sector in Angola.
