Digify Foundation / Digify Africa PTY


Digify Africa’s core mission is to provide pathways for young people to build their own livelihoods through in-demand digital skills and create accessible learning and earning opportunities across Africa.

Founding year: 2011

Countries: South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria 

Themes: Youth Workforce Development, Digital Skills and Literacy, Innovation and EdTech 


Key Highlights


Digify has built the DigiBot, a conversational microlearning platform which functions as a fully-fledged learning management system within WhatsApp. This allows access to learning for those with limited access to data and devices, and has had enormous traction in the last 2 years (over 700,000 learners as of March 2024).


In terms of pathways into work, Digify has focused on ‘skills of the near future’ which are more easily accessible and monetizable than many ‘tech skills’: these include digital marketing, social media marketing, and related fields, where even a tertiary degree may not be necessary to build a successful career.


Digify’s flagship entre to employment programme, Digify Pro, is now delivered via a blended, three-level model, with a web-based learning experience platform at the heart, supported by virtual / real world seminars, peer learning sessions and tutorials.