

Kubik has a technology that helps countries reduce their carbon and plastic footprint. The organization turns hard-to-recycle plastic waste into low-cost, low-carbon, interlocking building material by removing waste from the environment and creating ultra durable, safe, and affordable buildings. Kubik is on an unwavering mission to build dignity through clean and affordable living for all. Kubik believes that growth does not have to be a dirty process. They turn hard-to-recycle plastic waste into walls using interlocking building materials that are 40% cheaper and faster construction, 66 kgs of plastic recycled per sqm, 5x less GHG emissions. Kubik buildings are more durable and affordable than the old way of making buildings- and it’s less polluting. From schools to clinics, homes to warehouses, Kubik is bringing environmental dignity to how countries grow and urbanize. This is critical as there 1 billion+ that people cannot afford to live in decent buildings. What sets us apart is that they focus on the scalability and price competitiveness.

Founding year: 2021

Countries: Kenya

Themes: Circular economy 


Key Highlights


Kubik’s B2B business model improves quality of life for waste pickers, takes waste out of cities, and provides ongoing value to customers.


Kubik’s factory has the capacity to process 45 tons of plastic waste (~10 houses) per day. 


Kubik’s interlocking system allows developers to build walls faster at half the cost, while keeping plastic waste out of landfills and helping meet net-zero targets.